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Enhancing the environment

Green spaces are really important to us. It’s why we are one of the few housebuilders to have an in-house team of Landscape Designers.
They work alongside ecologists and arborculturalists from the very start of a development build, assessing existing habitats to ensure wildlife, and people, can thrive. In the last 12 months alone, they have proposed planting over 415,000 trees and shrubs across forty-two sites, as well as retaining existing trees.

Our commitment to nature

We don’t just look after the big things - we take care of the smallest of things too.
For example, we are designing gardens that are more ‘bee-friendly’, with pollinating plants and wildflowers approved by the Royal Horticultural Society. We’re including bat and bird boxes so they too can enjoy a new home. And we make space for ‘hedgehog highways’ (yes, that’s really a thing!)

Designed for better accessibility

Our aim is to always create homes and neighbourhoods that you want to live in, and that offer a better quality of life. That's why we design networks of connected green spaces and walking and cycle routes, so you can enjoy your surroundings while on the move.

Future Homes Standard

We are proud to support the Government's Future Homes Standard that seeks to deliver zero carbon new homes as soon as 2025. From an already impressive standard, it will deliver a 75-80% improvement in Energy performance and mean no fossil fuels are used to heat our homes and hot water, and hopefully, a cleaner, greener environment for everyone.
